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Mayer Hair

Heidi Mono

Heidi Mono

Our colour "4/6"

Take a look at how the colour "4/6" looks on other wigs.

Care instructions

Add Gisela Mayer special shampoo to lukewarm water. Turn the wig over and gently wash it in the solution, pressing gently, not rubbing or wringing.

Rinse carefully in clean water and drain.

After-treatment with care balm: Add some special balm to lukewarm water. Now place your second hairstyle in this solution for about 5 minutes. The balm makes the hair fiber supple again and gives it natural shine.

Remove your second hairstyle from the care solution without rinsing it out. Now turn the hairstyle again and gently shape it with your fingers.

Then let the wig air dry. Please ensure that the hairstyle is not stretched out while drying. It is best to dry on a wig stand.

Please note: Avoid heat and steam (oven, grill, sauna, hair dryer, etc.). Never brush wigs and hairpieces when they are wet.

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